Arrival & Dismissal

Elementary School PK-5


  • Doors open at 7:30AM
  • Students riding the bus will enter the building through the West doors (as normal).

  • Students who do not ride the bus (parent drop-off or walkers) will enter the building through the following designated doors:

    • PK- Elementary East Front Entrance- should be accompanied by an adult to the door

    • Grades K-5- Northwest Doors

  • Students who arrive AFTER 7:55AM must enter through the Elementary Front Entrance. 

Parent Drop-Off (7:30AM-7:55AM)

  • Preschool families will continue to use the assigned parking located on the east side of the building.

  • The North Elementary doors located on 5th Street are designated as morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up doors for all K-5 students who do NOT ride the bus. 

    • Grades K-5 Northwest doors

  • Appropriate signs, barricades, and pavement markings will be used to help ensure safety. 

  • Dropping-Off Your Child

    • Students should remain in their vehicle until they are greeted by a staff member and have completed the health screening & temperature check.

      • Students with a temperature of 100.4 or higher, will be asked to remain in the vehicle and will not be able to attend school that day. 

      • Students with two or more additional symptoms will be asked to remain in the vehicle and will not be able to attend school that day.

      • Students under 100.4 and not exhibiting additional symptoms will be able to exit the vehicle and escorted to the entrance.

  • Please familiarize yourself with the following procedures for dropping-off your child:

    • NO PARKING along the south side of 5th street.

    • DO NOT allow your student to exit the vehicle before being greeted by a staff member.

    • Enter: vehicles dropping-off and/or picking-up students should only enter 5th street from the East. Driving West to East along 5th street.

    • Drive slow

    • Check surroundings when pulling-up to the building and pulling-away from the building.

    • Exit: vehicles should continue driving East and exit 5th street via Ogden

 Parent Drop-Off (after 7:55AM)

  • Students arriving to school AFTER 7:55AM, must enter through the Elementary Front Office.

  • The student MUST be escorted to the front door by parent/guardian.

    • If applicable, please maintain social distancing between other families.

  • Parents/Guardians should remain with their child until they are greeted by a staff member and have completed the health screening & temperature check.

    • Students with a temperature of 100.4 or higher, will not be able to attend school that day. 

    • Students with two or more symptoms will not be able to attend school that day.

    • Students under 100.4 and not exhibiting additional symptoms will be able to enter.

School Dismissal (Bus Riders, Parent Pick-Up, Walkers, After School Program)

  • To help enforce social
    distancing, school dismissal will be staggered.

    • 3:10 All K-5 students who ride the bus will be dismissed to load the buses. 

      • Students will be escorted to the buses by a staff member.

    • 3:15 All K-5 students who are picked-up or walkers will be escorted to designated doors located on the North side of the building.

      • Grades K-2 Northeast doors

      • Grades 3-5 Northwest doors

    • Students waiting for parent pick-up or the After School Program will be supervised by a staff member.

  • Walkers

    • Students who walk home will be released to do so after exiting the building.

  • Parent Pick-Up

    • Parking is available on 5th Street (north side of the building), along with additional parking on Ogden and Pine.

    • Students will be dismissed to go with parents or guardians.

    • In the interest of efficiency, safety and traffic flow, please do not linger during pick up and be sure to maintain social distancing

  • After School Program
    • Students enrolled in the after school program will be escorted to their designated locations.

Jr/Sr High School 6-12

Student Arrival

  • Doors open at 7:30AM 
  • There will be multiple points of entry to help with congestion in the schools 

  • Points of entry are will be: 

  • High School Office door (south Sid of school: All breakfast-eaters 

  • Bus Entry door (west side of school): Bus riders and drivers 

  • Flag Pole doors (South Side of school):  walkers and drop-off    

        middle and high school students (not eating breakfast)

  • Entry points will be manned until 7:55. Students who arrive After 7:55 must enter through the High School Office.
  • Once students enter the building all non-breakfast eaters will proceed to the big gym,
  • ‘Morning Seats’ - will be assigned seats within each grade band (stable group).  Students will sit in this seat every morning between 7:30 and 8:00.  Every student will be assigned a seat. 

Students will be dismissed in staggered groups using multiple exits.

  • High School 
    • Nonathletes = dismissed in groups and will exit the building out of the  flagpole doors.
    • Bus riders will go to the bus doors.
    • Athletes: volleyball, cross country, and football players will be dismissed in groups when coaches are ready for their release.
  • Junior High 
    • Football (Mackunas) - Leave at 2:20 and will be dismissed from school out the bus/driver door.
    • Volleyball (Peek and Sullivan) - 2:20 and will be dismissed to the gym for practice.
    • P.E. and Cross Country (Hadley) - Report to assigned ‘morning seat’ in the gym and then released to go to the locker room.

For more information regarding important changes for the 20-21 school year, please refer to your building re-opening plan. Which, can be found on the school website.